December 14th
Club Service Trip to the NYC Rotary Club
Call James to sign up
Jun 18-22 05
RI International convention, Chicago.

Jan 13th
Taste of Locust Valley

6:30 - 9:30 PM Click Here

Attendance Discussion
For some attendance is a problem and for others participation is a problem
The question is what do we do about them?

We need to be stricter then we have been and that we need to create an outline of rules and stick with it.
It should be looked at a on an individual basis.

Others felt it is easy enough to make “make ups” other clubs or on the internet

It was also pointed out those attending Rotary things outside of the regular meeting that it is up to the member to tell the Secretary.

Charter Night Discussion
Points: Rotary stuff in general is getting kind of expensive.
Charter Night should be more social and should be about interaction with each other.